Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hey!  We have moved!

We have a full website with personal information and of-course our Blog!  Take a read!

We love you and God loves you more!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Lessons Our Enemies Taught Us

Justin’s Opinion:

Relationships expose you.  Period.  A real relationship exposes your strengths and weaknesses.  This is major reason I know I am with the right God ordained beautifully made woman gifted to me by God.  I was trying to think of a bible story that I could interpret in a deep fashion to start this off.  But I could not think of one.  All I could think of is how grateful I am for enemies.  Nothing fancy, nothing crazy… I LOVE my enemies.  My mind has shifted, especially in the last few months.  I have learned the necessity and presence of people who are enemies that you have to love.  It is not a quality I have enjoyed, but it is a quality that I have learned and embraced.  Frankly, not embracing those assigned to distract you gives them power over you.  So, my enemies have taught me a few lessons. 

1.    How to Fight
Fighting in the spirit is one of the hardest battles fought without armour.  So often we miss that lesson when Paul speaks of putting on the Armour of God.  Paul details how our head is covered, how the belt holds things together, how our feet cannot slip etc.  (Look at it!) It was not in the times that I had a bunch of ‘friends” or even “Classmates” that I learned how to fight, it is when I got in a relationship and the ugliness (and eventual beauty) of enemies was revealed. They taught me that I was not guarding my heart, that I was not wearing my salvation and was not wearing my belt.  Enemies taught me not just to see my strength, but how to fight battles in ways that confuses the enemy and how to keep your peace because in the end enemies kill themselves.

2.    How to Work
Jesus told his disciples that you will know who he is by the work he did.  He admonished those in positions of power not to let your power determine who you are, but the work you do.  Enemies have challenged me to work.  Work my relationship.  Work my positions.  Work for my “self.”  Work for Courtney.  Work for Family.  Work for what makes me happy.  They taught me how to work.  Enemies do a great deed because they show you how much you love something and how much you are willing to sacrifice to keep it. 

3.    How to Love. 
It amazes me.  When I was “in these streets” walking around with 2-3 women…texting them…leading them on…knowingly (in some cases intentionally) breaking hearts that I never was made fun of for that.  But as soon as I get into a relationship, speak about the power of prayer and talk about the revelation of God to me to pursue Courtney…and then a Black man who is intentional about courting a Black woman…I’ve had more people ask: When we are breaking up, why am in a relationship, how long we have been together because they feel the need to justify what God has shared with me.  SERIOUSLY? Thank you to each and every one of you! Not in spite, but because it affirms the fact that I am truly in love with the one that God has assigned to me.  Its not your fault…its mine.  I’m doing the right God ordained thing with the Gift from God.  Enemies have strengthened my courting, intentionality and love for Courtney Jones.  Yea…that’s the future mother of my children.  I Ain’t Scared of NONE of Yall!.

Courtney’s Opinion:

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of enemies? I know as for me I see myself subconsciously looking over my shoulder in a disgusted look somewhat like this:

As funny as that may be, I realize I should grab a mirror and give the same look to myself. Enemies can be defined as anyone or anything that comes to steal, kill, and destroy your promise. That can be the promise of fulfilling your purpose, your dreams, hopes and desires. Throughout my life I realized that I sometime, I was my own enemy.

Of course there are many times where it seems we have armies of “haters” (lets kill this word in 2014, okay…please?) encamping our lives. On every end they are attacking your life, relationships, and questioning your promise; but praise God, because they see a promise. When Justin and I first created this blog we had many people upset and questioning our longevity and potentiality as a couple. They justified it by stating that they didn’t want either one of us to get hurt as a result of the shortness of our courtship being only a couple months long. However we knew the promise on our lives and Justin is indeed my promised promise. However, through the beginning stages I found myself altering and restraining my behavior, constantly filtering the things we released as a mean to appease those that were against it. In those moments, I was my own worse enemy. I silenced the voice that God entrusted me with, I filtered our discipleship, with the understanding that our relationship is our worship and our means of sharing Christ to others.

Although I couldn’t stop those around me from sharing their opinion in my life, I had the choice of what to do with it. John 10:10 explains to us that the Devil is our biggest enemy, who only comes to steal kill and destroy. He tactics don’t change just how you respond to them does. In Genesis 3:1-7, we read the infamous story of the fall of man. To set the scene, God created this beautiful world and also created the Garden of Eden as a an abundant land of life for Adam and Eve in this land he gave them reigns to partake in any tree in the Land just not the Tree of Knowledge. In this the particular text we zoom into Satan manipulating (I mean talking) to Eve. As stated previously, Satan, our biggest enemy, never changes its tactic but only its approach. Here are some enemy signs to look out for:
o   Cunning – vs. 1
o   Tempting – vs. 1  (you are only tempted by what you want)
o   Openly Goes against the word of God – Eve knew the word of God, the devil openly went against it
o   Diminishes God in our Life – all throughout chapter 2 “l=Lord God” in Chapter 3 it was “did God”
o   Play on your weaknesses – Adam had strength in chapter 2, gone in chapter three
o   Partial Truth teller – You will not die rather you will have eyes open vs. 5
§  Objective truth.  Truth that you don’t understand.  The devil knows what you cannot understand! 
o   Reveals when we don’t listen – Adam ate too and he knew! Vs 6

Satan is very real and creates a lot of havoc in our lives but only because we allow him to. There might be people in our lives that fit some of these characteristics above. Get on your face before God for those people but also cover yourself so that you can be reassured of the promise God has placed in your life. What God brings together nothing or no one will be able to separate. Love yourself!

Our Opinion

Enemies are necessary.  Enemies teach you some of your most powerful lessons.  Whether those enemies are internal or external, bottom line in they exist.  Since we have been together, both of us in our places of work, church and personal relationships have seen the revelation of enemies that we accidentally called friends and coworkers.  It is all Good because we love and NEED you to be the enemy God assigned you to be!

This week, we challenge you to embrace your enemies, love your enemies and enjoy that God assigned people to hate you…you’re doing something right.  We Love you, we are praying for you…Most of all God is with you!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

God's Faithfulness

As we approach the height of Thanksgiving and Advent season we are constantly reminded to be thankful, but what about when the seasons change? Rarely are we reminded to be faithful in our Thanksgiving. What happens when being thankful isn’t at the forefront? If everyday was a day of Thanksgiving how much different would our lives be?     

Today we decided to talk about God’s faithfulness.  Looking at our relationship, our families and our lives.  Being grateful for where we have come, where we are and that God is faithful when we aren’t.

Courtney’s Opinion
The age of 25 has been an interesting year of seasons for me to say the least. Some were continuously joyous and some were a little difficult; however, I found out that each season was necessary for the next. The year 25 in particular was a transitioning year for me. I became truly content with who I was as person, Justin and I became an official couple (and still having the time of my life), I was coming into myself as a professional and I started taking on more financially responsibilities (I was becoming an adult….eek!). I am grateful for each and every season but it was hard for me to see the beauty in each season without the tough lessons. All of these seasons represented God’s faithfulness and His answered promises to me. Throughout each difficult time, when I chose to concentrate on the hard parts I realized I had the lack of peace which consequently translated to a lack of trust in God’s faithfulness.

When I look at our relationship in depth, Justin is not just a relationship or a simple boyfriend but he represents Gods Faithfulness. My increase financially responsibilities doesn’t just mean financial burden but God’s faithfulness to provide when I give back to God what is His. My job is not just a time consuming tiring entity but Gods faithfulness of greater as a leader.

In Genesis 3:2-6. God provided Adam and Eve with many abundant fruit options. However, Eve choose to focus on the one fruit that she didn't have and through that discontentment, Eve sinned against God and herself. God loves us and does not desire to withhold good things from us. Trust in His ways, and rely on the fact that He will provided in due time your portion.

Ultimately, the source of our problems are linked to the lack of gratitude of God’s continued faithfulness. God continues to remain faithful despite our unfaithfulness. But like the question above what if we actually executed true faithfulness towards God by having a grateful heart?  Sure, Life might not be where you expected or things may not go right but He promised to never leave us or forsake us.  That moment we truly are content with the things we have in Christ and actively trust Him to present those things we desire in His due time, we can then resist satan's weapons of destruction (i.e- worry, stress, discontentment). As you become more and more grateful and content, the tools of distraction become more and more tricky. Continue to press into Christ even more and He will fight those battles for you.

Justin’s Opinion
As we think about the Faithfulness of God, I am drawn to one of the more oft used scriptures in the Bible…Psalm 23.  The text tells us that God will lead us in the valley of the Shadow of death, prepare a table before us in the presence of enemies, anoint our heads with oil and overflow our cups.  What catches my attention on the faithfulness of God is God Leads us into a valley and in the valley, a table is prepared.  (sidenote: enemies are in the valley with you but cannot harm you…WHAT THE WHAT?)

 The faithfulness of God is exemplified in this text.  A valley is literally between two mountains.  You cannot get into a valley without coming down a mountain, or, without recognizing that you have another mountain to climb.  And in a seasonal valley, the same God that put you on the seasonal mountain is the same God that is with you in the seasonal valley as you head to another seasonal mountain.  God is a faithful God, consistent in each season.  As I think about this season of giving thanks for family, relationships and Jesus coming to this world for Christmas, I am so happy that God is faithful. God is present in our valleys and mountains, not only because God sees the next mountain, but because God is busy preparing a table for us and inviting our enemies.  It is all Seasonal! 

As I look at my relationship with Ms. Jones, she exemplifies the faithfulness of God.  Not just because she is present in my life at all times, but because she is an extension of God’s presence in my life.  Her care, love and joy for who I am as a man as I continue to evolve into who I am in ministry, manhood and (eventual) marriage is utterly phenomenal.  When I have not embraced myself, my person or even where I am in ministry, she has been present.  It is amazing to know that we serve a God who imparts someone to be present, representing in another way how faithful God truly is. 

The challenge from God in God’s faithfulness is, once you know better…do better.  What hurt biblical characters, those of you reading and even my own life understand is that we must recognize the Faithfulness of God…to be faithful to the blessing and God completely.  That is the challenge that I have taken dearly simply because I want to show God my thanks and hope to ascend to levels unimaginable because of my faithfulness to God when God is faithful to me. 

Our Opinion

God is faithful when we aren’t faithful.  God cares, when we don’t care.  God Loves, when we don’t love…and that’s amazing.  In a season of thanks, we are so thankful for a God who prepares tables in valleys God brings us to.  God allows us to see shadows of death, but leads us to life.  We are excited for the valley season that you all have seen us in the past month, but stick around because as God was faithful in the valley…just wait for the mountain we are about to climb!


Our relationship shows the faithfulness of God, but it is a conviction both of us have that we are faithful to the blessing of God in the other.  Our entire lives we had "fruit" hanging from various trees.  Various trees of relationships, jobs, finances and many more.  What gives us the strength we have is that in spite of all of those trees we may have taken fruit from, God remained Faithful. 

The Hymn Writer asked the question, "What shall I render, What shall I give?" Our challenge to you in this season of thanks is to render a sweet gift unto God.  A gift that will be acceptable.  Thanks for where you are, the season you are in and that you are still possible!  We will certainly be praying for you because you can get through it...Look at us! 


We are one, defined by one…with two opinions. One thing we can agree on…God is a Faithful, Friendly Provider.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Readers Pick: "Situationships"

Justin's Opinion 

I never will forget years ago my mother preached a sermon where her takeaway was, “it was just a situation because you lived on your salvation.”  At the time I heard it I never really allowed the words to live truly in my life, rather I just said it.  But as I have articulated on numerous occasions:


Every sermon I’ve preached, I’ve lived through.  That’s why I have so much passion, care and conviction when I step into a pulpit…because I’ve lived through some stuff.  The following situation not only revealed Courtney into my life, but is the reason I preach on mental health, self-love and overcoming failure.  The only reason I made it through any situation was because of my salvation.  This time, it was because Courtney reminded me of my salvation and in that process, I saw that she was the one that didn’t leave when she saw the ugly side of me.  God is a trip. 

One thing about me that is a blessing and a curse is how much I care for people.  When I care…I care, even if it means I suffer.  February 2013.  A month I never will forget.  One thing that I struggled with is suicidal thoughts (at one point an attempt).  In an attempt to please someone, without ever caring for my sanity I almost lost it.  A chilly night in February I went all out to please someone, and a simple “thanks” was not even given.  I mean…I went ALL out.  I didn’t expect the world in return, but the negative I received hurt.  It really hurt.  So for all of you who think that Girls cannot hurt the heart and soul of a man…they can.  This time, I was hurt.  In every friend-relation-whatever ship I was in I always ended up hurt.  (This is a reason I intentionally hurt some women in my single season.)  But I always was hurt. 

In this moment, I never spoke with anyone about those satanic thoughts, the only person I had mentioned it who did not run away thinking I was insane without helping was Courtney.  I called her upset, frantic, afraid, scared and most of all on the brink of completely giving up.  Here I was and for 24 years I was ready to give up, I was ready to throw in the towel because every woman I ever cared about always thought I was never good enough, I wasn’t preaching as much as I wanted and my grades weren’t at the level I wanted.  And here…Courtney was present.

My situation…was a real life situation where I needed not just a friend but someone to understand and not allow me to stop the God in my life.  I recognized the faithfulness of God in my life because I had a friend (at that time) who did not judge, did not yell, rather reminded me of who I was in spite of the lack of care from the others I really cared about.  Here…I saw her spirit.  I saw her as a person.  Those who can love you when you are ugly can embrace all about you when you see your beauty.  She kept me from the cliff, literally.  I had no friends in school or in church who I halfway trusted to speak with…but her Spirit connected with me.  Truthfully, because she was the other part of me. 

Paul in Ephesians four talked about the daily renewing of our minds.  That we need to Put off the old man, renew our minds and then put on the new man.  Notice Paul’s process.  First, we put off those old things…renew our minds…and then put on the new man.  In this painful moment (and a reason the devil hates us now) is that when I should have completely lost it is that Courtney was there to renew my mind.  I then put on the new man. 

Situations were because you lived through it.  Our “situation-ship” in that moment, led me to realize that she’s the woman I wanted to give her last first kiss.  And I did. 

Courtney's Opinion

Situationships- those relationships that you know aren’t going anywhere but you continue to play into the same games until somebody gets hurt. In Pinky Promise a movement that urges women to follow Christ in all aspects calls those people- “randoms.”  So one day as I sat (while watching abnormal amounts of wedding and home shows on HGTV and TLC) and thought to myself why am I am going to continue to be random with my life.  

I have had my fair share of situationships and randoms in life. Right around the time Justin and I become close friends was the time I just got out of a whirl wind of a situationship. During this time, I felt I was the farthest from God however now I realize he was the closest in that moment. In this particular situationship, I found myself questioning who I was, my purpose and then comparing myself to others. Which are all huge NO NO NOs! Also during this same time God transplanted me to Springfield, MO for work and that began my season of isolation.  During this isolation period, I began to reflect on my life and said if I want a different outcome I have to embark on path I have never taken which was focusing on GOD completely and wholly and who I am in God. So I broke free from ever random, every text message with no purpose, and completely changed my behavior that did not exude Christ.

Things were going well until I hit a discontentment wall. My prayers began to question God on his timing on when my Adam was waking up because surely he was letting him sleep too long. God put me in check right away. I was lead to 1 Corinthians 7:7 “Sometimes I wish everyone were single like me- a simpler life in many ways.”  Something hit very powerful in that verse, Paul referenced single life as a blessing yet so many of us look at as a burden. My prayers then turned in thankfulness to God for entrusting me with this “gift of singleness.” I was a true single in every essence of the word: blessed! I was not lonely because through my devotion and meditation, God filled that void. I was being pacified by the Word alone and not some “Hey” text during inappropriate hours.

When I reached the true point of contentment with who I was, God presented Justin to me in a real way. With a clear mind, I was able to see the attributes of my Adam that I would have missed in my old mind and way of life. I immensely enjoy the season God has brought me too in relationship with Justin, but I never would of appreciated the beauty of it or be able to get through the trials without that single, isolate but blessed season.  

We all have gone or will go through situationships  in life but it’s all in how we respond. True wisdom is taking past experiences and mixing it with the word to be truly wise. 

Our opinion.

Situations were because you lived through it.  If you are in a situation-ship, be thankful.  But that person cannot put off the old man or woman, only you can do that once you recognize it.  After that, the person who sees your :”ugliness” and helps you to renew your mind is the one you need to consider for a true relationship.  It is here where you learn to see and embrace the wisdom God has given you without searching for something new.  Some new word, new scripture,  new conference or new relationship.  It is up to you …first….to embrace the word and life experiences you have and then see that God allowed you to live through it.  We both would love to high five our exes/flings/people we references in this blog because those “situation-ships” allowed us to embrace our relationship.  (even the good exes who we didn’t love back). 

NOW…is all of this easy…no.  Would you want something that you keep for a lifetime that came that easy?  What do you have in life that you loved that you never worked for? 

Work it…and give that person their last first kiss.  That “situation-ship” became a beautiful Courtship. 

((On another note, if you find yourself in a place like I (Justin) was with those thoughts/actions, seek help! I did, and it has been a crazy blessing.  I am because I was and God is.))

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Be Honest

Justin's Opinion

Can I give a Shoutout to who inspired this post? Rev. Dr. William Buchannan. He has been such an amazing Pastor in my Journey of Ministry since he and I first met over the Summer. Currently I am serving at the 15th Avenue Baptist church for my Field Education while a Student here at Vanderbilt. Milwaukee, Breonus Mitchell taught me how to preach exegetically for a year and Is continuing to do so, Pastor Buchannan is challenging me all the More when it comes to Pastoral Praxis. So Yall just wait till I preach at home over Christmas Break. I ain’t scared of NONE of yall. So Before I start…Shout Out to Breonus Mitchell and William Buchannan. I gotta give props to Dr. Buchannan for this post.

At My internship we just recently finished walking through the book of James. James is a POWERFUL book when it comes to Ministry. James teaches us to Count it all Joy when we fall into various Temptations because the Trying and tempting of our faith teaches us how to have Patience. And patience then leads to Maturity all because our faith has been worked in the various trials and temptations that God sent our way. To make that plain and simple on one Sunday in his sermon dealing with the maturity within faith Dr. Buchannan said, “When we aren’t honest with ourselves, we are lying to ourselves.” And well that confronted me on ALL fronts….one of the major ones it hit me…consistency biblically and practically. Got that? Ok…let’s do this. (I am a preacher people)

When one knows their gift, talent and what God has called them to be, you travel into the unknown instead of treading in the easy waters of life. Habits are made because of consistency, Good and Bad. I choose to focus on the possibility within Consistency objectively good healthy practices. Consistent Faith gives way to Maturity. A lack of consistency…is not active…dysfunctional…bastardized faith. Consistency…powerful. Inconsistency….dysfunctional. Now…It is not easy to be consistent because consistency requires us to confront ourselves, push ourselves over the verge and be the person that God loves and the people that we Love. It is easy to fall into the trap of inconsistency because it is fun to be inconsistent.

In our relationship, it requires us to be consistent, no matter how uncomfortable…and at times…inconvenient that may be. Consistency is what keeps our bond there. Consistent Love, practice, conversation and emotions. Therefore, it is easy for the other to know what while they say “I had a good day” that truthfully they didn’t. Consistency has allowed us to know ourselves and individuals as well as who we are together. Honest true objectively good consistency will give you strength that you always had…you just didn’t want to deal with.

Courtney’s Opinion

Daughter, girlfriend, friend, niece, coworker, Regional Program Manager, yoga partner, workout buddy, blogger, ministry leader, Big sister, Little sister, email responder, a DIY-er, and a vegetarian (really social pescatarian). These are few things that make up who I am and in some way consume my day. Many of you can relate to this type of life. However through it all I found that the key in being successful is to be consistent.

At the beginning of summer I started to take a serious look at my life in terms of my body, my food consumption, and the products I put on or in my body. I decided to become a vegetarian and drastically changed my eating habits of eating clean real food. I began to work out avidly. I put my all into my new lifestyle change; I invested in healthier foods, I got all the appropriate equipment and clothes for working out. For the first month I was totally committed, the second month still committed, by the 3rd month I started questioning is this even working. The 4th month I was just going through the motions not really present in the moment, my frequency changed, my outlook changed. But despite all my preparedness, investment, initial commitment the key ingredient was consistency when it got hard. Although I lost 24lbs in this process, that was not enough to ensure my success. Consistency is one of the hardest things to obtain; yet it is so worth it because the reward is incomparable. A dear friend once told me “Courtney, it’s not eating right or going to work out that’s the challenging but its continuing to change your mindset when it gets hard. If you can master the art of consistency you can master anything.” In that one sentence she ministered volumes to me.

Your intentions might be amazing in life, you prepare yourself, you invest time, money and energy but without the mindset of staying the course with things get hard you will die to whatever goal you have set. So what leads to inconsistency? It is the idea of not being honest with our selves in each step of our development. As we grow, mature, and step out of our comfort zone we become comfortable. We start lying to ourselves that we can make it without doing this (like reading our word) or that (constantly communicating with God). We lose focus and die to our renewal.

Consistency is not natural but an exercise. This world is rigged with distractions, but we must exercise our consistent mindset, we must be honest with ourselves.

Our Opinion

So…What did Dr. Buchannan do for us? “When you aren’t honest with yourself, you are lying to yourself.” When we testify that his statement strengthened our relationship in a way that we NEVER knew through a storm that should have killed (and has killed other) our relationships…its true. When we became honest it forced us to consistently read our Bibles, pray together, show love and a plethora of other tasks that may seem mundane, it enhanced us individually and collectively. We challenge you today to start doing something you love…consistently. Maybe that’s reading your bible, working out, talking to your parents…whatever it is. This week do it once a day and watch your life change and get enhanced just a little bit. Then…think of us…were praying for you.

Consistency my friends. It will force you to be honest with yourself and stop lying to yourself. Talk to us!

 Justin and Courtney

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Kingdom Relationships

Both of us are currently walking through the “Kingdom” books.  The two books by Tony Evans and his Daughter Chrystal.  The Kingdom Man and Kingdom Woman books have so far been amazing perspective changing books.  Instead of writing a review, we thought we would write on the other.  What we see in the other as a “kingdom” minded person and what we see as “growing edges” for them to continue their journey.  Will we get a little sappy, sure.  Will you love it, of course. 

Have we done you wrong yet?

Justin’s opinion

Tony and Crystal state that a kingdom woman has three qualities: Purpose, Power and Possibility.  With those three principles, they show their foundation in God, faith in God and fruit through God.  As I thought about Courtney, I am glad to say I have a “Kingdom Woman” to call my love, but we work together in a constructive way. 

First, How she is a Kingdom woman.  Using their terms, I see Courtney’s purpose and possibility.  From the moment I met Courtney at our scholarship banquet I never will forget the strength she stood with.  From her smile, to her walk.  What caught my attention is how intrigued she was in the content of our conversation, not forcing anything.  I recently finished preaching at a large church in Milwaukee and I was on cloud nine and of course I brought up preaching at the church.  Usually it was the preaching that I know women went after because of the prestige it could bring. It annoys me, so I expected interest because usually…that’s what followed.  (it’s hard out here)  Courtney…asked me…”What did you preach about?” THE FIRST woman, outside of my sister or mother who cared about what I argued. Not when the next time I’m preaching,  how big the church was, how large the check was…but What did I preach about…Seriously!  It was here I realized something about her.  As we grow together, she cares about God…more than anything.  Were souls saved? What did I preach? As we have grown together, she continues to show me her foundation in God.  We pray together daily, we begin the day speaking about the Goodness of God.  No matter our trials or situations…This woman continues to show me…I do not care if people shouted, ran or screamed…Did God Get Glory? Truthfully God gets Glory through her. 

Secondly, Possibility.  Courtney called me on a day I was depressed.  (Yea…Preachers struggle too)  I was dealing with a number of issues, Courtney started talking about her love for Pinterest and she asked me the most obscure questions about football season.  As I was on the brink of tears with what I was dealing with and she refused to see the pain in my situation by simply showing the possibility in my pain.  Courtney is a positive person, that is an understatement.  But she produces fruit because she looks at everything as fertile ground.  It is possible.  It may be difficult…but it is possible because of her relationship with Christ.

Lastly, thinking about her Growing Edges, it is her power.  Power for them looks at Faith in God.  By no means am I saying Courtney does not have faith, rather the ever evolving faith in God for Her cannot be circumstantial.  Reactions, decisions and conversations are constantly evolving in our relationship and no different for her.  She is a kingdom woman, her confidence in self and God can only make her even badder than she already is.

Courtney’s opinion

So what exactly does it mean to have a kingdom mindset? I will admit the challenge of becoming a Kingdom Woman or Man seems like a daunting task. Many times I ask myself: how will I ever measure up to be that Proverbs 31 woman (she was amazing, right?) but I realized that she was not alone she had the leadership of a wonderful Kingdom Man..

In Kingdom Women, Chrystal emphasizes the point of recognizing who you are and recognizing your help not only in Christ but in others that God has placed in your life. Justin has indeed been my help, companion, and best friend in life. Not only does he push me closer to Christ in unimaginable ways, but he is the epitome of a kingdom man. Everyday we strive to become a Kingdom couple and by no means is that an easy task but a daily death of our own desires, wants, needs, and self.  Justin has become a man I absolutely cannot resist, not only in physical attraction but his spirit commands my attention daily. He encourages me not to be better for himself but cultivates me to be a kingdom woman for Christ. His ability to understand and interpret the Word of God speaks volumes in my life in ways I would never be able to understand for myself and helps me understand our purpose together and helping me confront my insecurities in a loving manner,

As a long distance couple, we have to make intentional efforts to communicate effectively with each other and with a God. Being on a kingdom path opens you up to test and trails and we have weathered a couple of storms together. Throughout every situation, Justin has lead our relationship by assuring me that "he got this" with 3 fingers. This signal does not just mean pump the breaks when I have gone in the deep in over something but its an amazing reminder that I was not created to tackle this life alone; it signifies that "Gods got this" and through that "we as a couple "got this."

I get overwhelmed with Joy every time because Justin is not just my boyfriend but he represents God's faithfulness. He gives me hope that I can be that Proverbs 31 because I have a Kingdom man that assists and assures that our relationship glorifies God in all ways.

Our Opinion

Normalcy and complacency often kill relationships.  We are distanced.  We are not always physically together.  There are only so many different types of texts and things to say on the phone.  But understanding in relationships that it is a Kingdom Goaled relationship pushes you through those times when it gets difficult.  For Courtney, she knows her purpose.  For Justin, he is kingdom focused man that leads our relationship by being purpose minded.  In the end, our focus is solely knowing that as we hold hands together, our other hand is stretched towards God.  As we continue to be a courting couple, courting life.  Us…Against the World.

Justin and Courtney